Job Types

Job types

Job types are used to categorise your jobs for analytics and assisted-scheduling purposes.

While the mobile app allows you to create and manage job types, it simplifies the available configuration options. Therefore, this guide will focus on the web interface, and covers all available configuration options, broken down by tab.

A large number of these configuration options relate to the booking portal and automatic scheduling features of JobStaq, so if you aren’t using these, you can ignore any details not on the general tab.


  • Name: an internal text representation summarising the type of work involved in this job type (eg. Annual service, Boler installation).
  • Default price: populates the quoted price field on jobs. If a value is provided, this is also to customers on the portal as an estimated price.
  • Enabled: whether the job type can be selected for new jobs (both internally and on the customer booking portal).

Event types

There are two event tabs for job types - survey events (pre-quote work), and callout events (post-quote / pre-invoice work).

  • Duration: length of the event to be scheduled on the calendar for this booking. When creating events against a job, this is auto-filled for the duration on the assistive scheduling feature, and is used as the event duration on the customer booking portal.
  • Skills: a list of skills which an employee must have all of to be able to be assigned to the event.
  • Skilled employees: read-only data which shows a list of the employees who are able to be assigned the work based on the selected skills. If this is empty, you’ll need to add some of the above skills to employees to ensure the event can be completed.

For users of the booking portal system, if a survey duration is set, all portal bookings will be for the survey event type (as in this case, you’ll need to raise a quote, and the length of the work will depend on this).

Booking portal

  • Enabled: whether the job type is available for customers to book themselves. If disabled, the job type can still be assigned by employees within the company.
  • Name: the job type name shown to customers, typically this will be the same as the name on the general tab.
  • Description: shown to customers after selecting a job type from the dropdown on the booking portal to provide them a description of what the work involves / more complex pricing details (eg. additional costs per appliance serviced).
  • Additional information prompt: shown above a free-form text input on the final page of booking, to prompt customers of any details you need (eg. which appliances to service). The response to this will be saved to the event description.