Cancelling subscription

Cancelling your subscription is easy and can be done through our web interface (no billing actions are available in our app at this time). Your feedback is valuable to us, so if possible please let us know why you’re canceling to help us improve JobStaq in the future.

In order to cancel your subscription, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the billings setting page of the web interface -

  2. Click the “Manage Subscription” button on the overview tab

  3. This will open a new page, where you can manage your subscription and payment methods. Click the “Cancel plan” button

  4. You’ll be navigated to a page to confirm your cancellation, if you’re happy to go ahead, click the “Cancel plan” button

  5. We won’t try to charge any of your payment methods again, but if you feel more comfortable, you’re able to delete any remaining payment methods on your account

Cancellations take place at the end of the billing period which you’ve already paid for, and you’re able to undo a pending cancellation at any stage before this date.

Once your account is inactive, we will delete your data after a period of time for legal reasons. You’re able to request a data export through the web interface if you wish to download your data before this happens.