Custom Domain

Custom domains allows you to allow your customers to access your customer portal via a branded domain (such as, in place of the default, to increase your brand presence, and make it easier for customers to remember the link.

At present, you’re able to setup two separate custom domains on your account on supported plans: - Portal domain (default: this is used in all links to customer portals (eg. viewing quotes, invoices, and engineer tracking online). - Link shortener domain (default: this is used in SMS messages to reduce the number of characters links take up to save costs. As such, we’d suggest only using custom domains here.

The portal and link shortener custom domains can’t be the same as eachother, although, you aren’t required to use a custom value for both options.

To configure this feature, you’ll need to go to the settings section of the JobStaq web interface, go to the customer portal settings page, and input the domain(s) or subdomains which you have access to which you’d like to use for links.

For the (sub-)domains you wish to point to your JobStaq account, you’ll need to go into your DNS provider’s (likely your domain registrar) dashboard, and create a CNAME record to point the subdomain of choice (eg. to The CNAME target for shortener custom domains is the same -

Note that we’ll start using custom domains immediately for any generated links, even if there’s a configuration issues, so we’d recommend creating the required CNAME record prior to entering the domain in your JobStaq account.